January 20, 2012

champagne: part 3

after visiting pommery, we took taxis into the center of town where we had time to grab lunch and walk around the shops in the square. a few of us ate at a place called pain & compagnie. i got a delicious pesto, tomato, mozzarella tartine (basically an open face sandwich), but it was the glittery macarons in the window that really drew me to the place. so of course after lunch i just had to buy one - if not for eating than at least for photographing purposes. i decided on vanilla even though i would have preferred chocolate or even the pistachio, but the vanilla one was prettier so just had to make the sacrifice. it wasn’t as good as any of the other macarons I’ve had (it was more cake-y with not enough ganache), but it was worth the 1 euro for the pictures alone.


 p.s.- i went to laduree yesterday! you know what's coming...

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