January 20, 2012

champagne: part 4

our next stop in the french countryside was epernay where we would be staying the night. i was really excited for the dinner we would be having since bill has been talking it up the whole trip. 

the meal started off with an appetizer of beef carpaccio, which is thinly sliced rare meat drizzled with pesto and topped with the most delicious petite cherry tomatoes i have ever had. i would have never ordered this dish by myself and was surprised at how much i liked it. i don’t think i would order it again, but i’m glad i get to say i’ve tried it. as far as traditional french cuisine goes, it was better than the escargot. 

next we had cod with mashed potatoes in a red pepper sauce. this was nice and light which was refreshing. 

for dessert, we had an interesting dish that was some sort of nougat ice cream (or maybe a semifreddo?) with a lemon-y glaze. again, i never would have ordered this, but it’s good to try something new and out of my chocolate comfort zone.

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