February 3, 2012

fashion week: part 2

in addition to attending shows, i also got the chance to a be a dresser backstage. while this was fun and exciting, it was also nerve-wracking since you are partially responsible for the success of the show. i've seen enough episodes of the hills to know that even the tiniest slip up can be disastrous. reality tv show knowledge aside, we all went into this kind of blindly. luckily, with the help of each other, we pulled it off.

the first show i dressed for was walter van beirendonck, who is one of the "antwerp six" designers. this show was amazing and i'm glad i got to dress a show where i actually liked the clothes. they were so quirky and colorful, but very tailored, which i love.  walter always uses bold props for the runway and this collection featured leather face masks, fur-tipped gloves, and walking sticks. it was interesting to say the least. but the use of contrasting fabrics in the suits and their matching bow ties was right up my alley. the models were laughing backstage at how ridiculous some of their outfits were (okay, I have to agree, some of them were a little out there. hot pants with thigh-high wellies? um, okay…), but together they looked really sharp. 

my model, mbouly
the second show we dressed was the alexandre vauthier couture show. it was so amazing to be around such beautiful clothing. on the other hand, it was definitely more stressful since our models were professionals (we recognized a few of them, like fatima from antm) and many of us had quick changes. getting your girl dressed and ready before the show starts is one thing, but having only a couple of minutes to switch looks head to toe is another. however, it was nice spending some quality time with the swarovski crystal necklaces and sky-high louboutins.

my model, melissa- looks one & two

 1, 2, 3

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